
UDK: 625.85.001.4:531.79
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 3
Paper type: Professional paper
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Possibilities of using GPR in the analysis of pavement structures

Marko Ožbolt, Tatjana Rukavina, Ivica Stančerić


The use of the non-destructive GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) method in the analysis of pavement structures is presented, and some specific aspects for determining composition and layer thicknesses of such structures are given. The radar can also be used to reveal some other characteristics such as the strengthening and widening of pavement structures, zones of higher moisture in pavement structures, inhomogeneous zones in layers due to difference in material compaction rate, position of reinforcing steel in concrete pavements, and voids beneath the concrete slabs.

non-destructive method, pavement structure, composition, thickness, GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) device


Ožbolt, M., Rukavina, T., Stančerić, I.: Possibilities of using GPR in the analysis of pavement structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 3


Ožbolt, M., Rukavina, T., Stančerić, I. (2009). Possibilities of using GPR in the analysis of pavement structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (3)

Marko Ožbolt
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Tatjana Rukavina
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department of Transportation Engineering

Ivica Stančerić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering