
UDK: 69.009.182:624.9.012.4
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 57 (2005) 9
Paper type: Subject review
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Preparation and passing of the technical regulation for concrete structures

Lino Fučić, Vesna Veselin, Ivan Turčić


The preparation and passing of a new technical regulation for concrete structures is described in the paper. The following topics are analyzed: content of approved technical rules that are currently in use, model proposed for the new system, conditions in which the regulation was prepared, and reasons for definition of specific provisions and for their inclusion in the new regulation. Principal groups of standards the regulation is referring to are explained, and some transition issues are considered, including the issue of non-mandatory nature of standards.

Eurocode, steel reinforcement, concrete structures, technical regulation, technical rules, standard


Fučić, L., Veselin, V., Turčić, I.: Preparation and passing of the technical regulation for concrete structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (2005) 9


Fučić, L., Veselin, V., Turčić, I. (2005). Preparation and passing of the technical regulation for concrete structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (9)

Lino Fučić
Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Vesna Veselin
Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction,
Construction Sector

Ivan Turčić
Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction,
Construction Sector