
UDK: 628.15+699.81:69.009182
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 63 (2011) 11
Paper type: Professional paper
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Application of Byelaw on fire fighting hydrant network in rural areas

Davor Malus, Dražen Vouk, Anja Grljak


The authors consider that water supply for population can be separated from fire fighting in the organization of water supply for rural areas. This can be done by giving priority to water supply for population, as fire protection can be solved alternatively, using similar or lesser funding. This is significant from the economic standpoint. A concrete example of water supply in the elevated area of Desinić Municipality is analyzed at the preliminary design level, in order to illustrate the difference in investment in case of application or non-application of the Byelaw on the Fire Fighting Hydrant Network.

water supply, Desinić, hydrant network, fire fighting, Byelaw, rural areas


Malus, D., Vouk, D., Grljak, A.: Application of Byelaw on fire fighting hydrant network in rural areas, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (2011) 11


Malus, D., Vouk, D., Grljak, A. (2011). Application of Byelaw on fire fighting hydrant network in rural areas, GRAĐEVINAR, 63 (11)
Malus Davor
Davor Malus
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Vouk Drazen
Dražen Vouk
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Anja Grljak
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering